

Welcome to the troubleshooting section for the Auto Diverting Tub Spout System. Scroll through the information below to find solutions to common installation issues.  


Check below to learn more about the different types of leaks that may occur with an improper ADTS installation and fix them. 

Showerhead Leak

A trickle of water (~ .1 gal./min.) will exit the showerhead or handshower after the hot water has been automatically diverted to it, but before the normal shower flow has been activated. This trickle is NORMAL and necessary for compliance with Uniform Plumbing Code certification.

Leak From Back Of Tub Spout or Hole In Bottom of Tub Spout

Leaking from either of these locations is typically a result of an installation issue. The Tub Spout should be dismounted and reinstalled.



1. Ensure Pipe Surface Is Not Damaged
The pipe should be lightly sanded and wiped clean if heavily scratched or dirty.

2. Check The Slip-Fit Clamp
Fit with the pipe must be very secure. Clamp should NOT slide or rotate and Clamp Set-Screw should be as tight as possible. (The Set-Screw, only engages with the clamp and will not puncture the pipe when thoroughly tightened.)

3. Ensure Correct Seal Has Been Installed
Use tubular shaped seal for 1/2 in. copper and tapered ring shaped seal for 1/2 in. galvanized.

4. Slip-Fit Quick Connect Receiver Must Be Fully Tightened
Check that the 4 screws on the face of the Slip-Fit Quick Connect Receiver have been completely tightened. These screws compress the Seal. Always tighten in an "X" pattern as illustrated in the product Guide.

5. Inspect Slip-Fit Quick Connect Receiver O-Ring Seals 
Inspect the two o-ring seals on the Slip-Fit Quick Connect Receiver. These seals should be clean and free from dirt, dust, hair. lint .... Wipe seals clean with a wet, lint-free cloth if necessary. 

6. Install Tub Spout Gently
Install the Tub Spout gently so the aforementioned o-ring seals do not become damaged or twisted during install.

7. Do Not Overtighten Bottom Set Screw
The set-screw located on the bottom of the Tub Spout should be tightened until is snug. Do NOT over overtighten or apply excessive force.



1. Inspect The Threaded Quick Connect Receiver O-Ring Seals
Inspect the two o-ring seals on the Threaded Quick Connect Receiver. These seals should be clean and free from dirt, dust, hair. lint .... Wipe seals clean with a wet, lint-free cloth if necessary. 

2. Ensure Pipe Threads Are Not Damaged
Remove any existing plumber's tape from the pipe threads and reapply about 4 wraps before reinstalling the Threaded Quick Connect Receiver. If the Threaded Quick Connect Receiver cannot be rotated so one of the two small brass inserts are positioned on the top of the Receiver, adjust the amount of plumber's tape being used.


 Leak From Normal Tub Spout Outlet

Two different types of leaks can occur from the Tub Spout's outlet.

The first type causes the Tub Spout to leak continually and occurs due to a faulty mixing valve. 

1. Ensure Water Is Completely Turned-Off At Mixing Valve or Hot/Cold Controls
After turning-off the water, allow the residual water remaining in the Tub Spout to drain and the Tub Spout to dry-out. If, after this period, the Tub Spout still leaks, the mixing valve/water controls will need to be replaced.

The second type of leak occurs while showering and is due to a faulty thermostatic Tub Spout seal. 

1. Check Internal Tub Spout Seal
With hot water flowing through the Tub Spout, open and close the Tub Spout Outlet by pulling its diverter forward and then pushing it back. Repeat this cycle 5 times. If a seal cannot be formed, remove the unit and return it to Evolve for a Warranty Return.


Cold Water At Showerhead or Handshower:

Is the showerhead or handshower only dispensing cold water? There are a few reasons this could occur. Read below to learn more. 

1. Don't Pull Tub Spout Diverter
The Tub Spout Automatically diverts hot water to the showerhead or handshower once it arrives. Pulling the diverter forward prior to that event will prematurely send water to the showerhead and that water will, at first, be cold. 

2. Handshower Takes A Little Longer To Get Warm
A handshower will typically have residual cold water residing in its hoseline. This cold water must clear the line before hot water can begin exiting the handshower. As a result, there may be a second or two of cold water to release after the cord has been pulled. This situation occurs when stepping into the shower shortly after hot water has been diverted to the handshower and it begins to trickle.

Showerhead or Handshower Won't Flow When Activated:

There are three situations where the showerhead or handshower may not run after pulling the cord to resume normal flow.

1. Hot Water Has Not Yet Arrived
Hot water is automatically diverted to the showerhead or handshower after it reaches the tub spout. If the showerhead cord is pulled or the handshower button is pressed prior to this event, water will not flow from the shower because it has not been sent there yet. Pull the cord or press the button only after flow from the Tub Spout has been thermostatically shut-off and diverted.

2. Pause Spray Setting Has Been Selected
Our multifunction showerheads and handshowers come with a pause spray setting that allows bathers to reduce the flow of water to a trickle while shampooing, conditioning or lathering-up. Make sure the showerhead or handshower is in the full-body spray or massage spray setting for normal flow to occur.

3. In-Wall Diverter Blocks Flow To Shower
In-wall diverter valves should always be used in conjunction with ADTS For In Wall Diverters version of the ADTS. The standard ADTS is not compatible with bathrooms containing in-wall diverters. When using the ADTS for In Wall Diverters, the in wall-wall diverter should always be set to direct water to the Tub Spout.
4. Former Showerhead Washer Blocking ADTS Showerhead Flow
Many showerheads come with a rubber washer located at the showerhead inlet. This washer is used to seal the connection between the showerhead and the shower arm, thereby preventing leaks. When removing the old showerhead this rubber washer, can become lodged on or inside the shower arm. Then, when the ADTS showerhead is placed on the shower arm, the washer from the former showerhead obstructs flow to the ADTS showerhead. To fix this problem remove the ADTS showerhead, check for the presence of the residual washer (check inside and on the lip of the shower arm), remove the washer if present, and replace the ADTS showerhead.

1/2 in. Threaded Galvanized Pipe Is Longer Than Recommended Pipe Length:

Upon removing the prior tub spout, its common to find a threaded 1/2 in. galvanized pipe that's longer than the recommended pipe length (7/16 - 1/2 in.). In this situation the easiest way to mount the Auto Diverting Tub Spout is to cut the 1/2 in. galvanized pipe down and use the Slip-Fit Mount. With this method, the 1/2 in. threaded galvanized pipe becomes a non-threaded galvanized pipe.

The Slip-Fit Mount can be used on non-threaded pipe (copper or galvanized) that is 1 1/4 - 1 3/4 in. long. It comes with a Spacing Tube to provide the ideal measurement of 1 1/2 in. long. Follow the process below to use the Slip-Fit Mount on 1/2 in. galvanized pipe.

1. Slip the Spacing Tube over the 1/2 in. galvanized pipe

2. Mark the end of the Tube with a pencil

3. Cut the 1/2 in. galvanized pipe at the mark.

4. The pipe threads are now removed and the Slip-Fit mount can be placed on the pipe.

    Also in Additional ADTS Resources

    Installation Guides
    Installation Guides

    Download and review the most current Auto Diverting Tub Spout Installation Guides for detailed instructions and installation considerations.

    • ADTS with Showerhead
    • ADTS with Handshower
    • ADTS for In-Wall Diverters
    Feasibility Check
    Feasibility Check

    Before installing the ADTS, you'll want to make sure it's compatible with the bathroom's plumbing dynamics. Check here for what you need to know.
    • Static water pressure
    • Pipe type, length, and stability
    • Previous shower diverter type

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